CLATapult: CLAT Coaching in Kolkata by NUJS, Kolkata Students
CLATapult prepares law aspirants for CLAT and other law entrance exams.
But hey! Dozens of men, women, institutes and rabbits do that. Yes, even rabbits now offer CLAT coaching!
What makes CLATapult different?
It’s the punch-line time: Tera kya hoga re rabbit?
For coaching institutions (Big Rabbits), CLAT is CAT with an extra L. For Big Rabbits, L is an alphabet, a business proposition, some extra bucks in their bottom-line. CLAT means easy money: throw in one law module into the CAT study material, and we have a CLAT batch!
Grow Rabbits, Grow! Rabbits grow astonishingly fast.
For CLATapult, L is law, L is law aspirants. L is our love and also our livelihood. And well, if we mess up our livelihood, we won’t live for long. So L, for us, really is life.
L, for CLATapult, also means being a part of justice being done. Well, it is J for justice, but still.
We understand that even for you L is life, a career shaping choice; rest assured that you are in safe hands, which hold a powerful clatapult.
Summary: CLATapult teaches only law aspirants and is an enemy of the Big Rabbit.

Presently CLATapult has two coaching centers in Kolkata
Presently, CLATapult has two coaching centers in Kolkata where all the classes are taken by present students of NUJS Kolkata. You can join any of our centers for clat coaching in Kolkata. The addresses are:
South Kolkata Center:
20E, Dhakuria Station Road,
Kolkata, PIN: 700031
(Opp. Dakshinapan Shopping Complex)
Kangkurgachi (North Kolkata) Center
P-11, CIT Road, Scheme-VII-M,
Kolkata – 700054
(Near Manicktala Fire Station)
In case you have any query, comment or just want to say hi, please drop in an email at
You can reach us on phone at +91 9903635533 (Anzar Abbas).
CLATapult’s Teaching Methods
English, Maths, GK, Logic Reasoning and Legal Aptitude: these 5 subjects constitute the CLAT syllabus. Like other coaching institutes, we teach these subjects and then some more. No other coaching institute does that ‘some more’ bit. They will surely, after seeing us!
Two things:
- We do experiments on law aspirants (medical trials and electrical shocks) which make them love the law and live the law. Fancy terms? We’ll explain soon.
- When homo sapiens learnt to walk upright; things got revolutionized for humanity. And when the early man invented the wheel, things got revolutionized even more. We bring such more revolutions to your life. (Charles Darwin actually sent us a post card commending our efforts on making evolution faster). More on that in the next paragraphs.
Living the law and loving the law
Job Shadowing and Externships
Have you ever been inside a real courtroom? It can be an awe-inspiring visit! Have you ever seen what a law firm partner does? Would you like to see how law-related NGOs strive to make policy changes in Bills and Acts?
Law students (like the CLATapult founders) do internships which provide them real world (which is short, nasty and brutish) experience of law. We replicate that model here; though with slight adjustments. CLATapult provides job shadowing and externship experience for its students. Live the law!
Movies and Documentaries
What does a lawyer do? What are the thrills? What all can a lawyer do? Can she really change the world? Can she be the hero?
We show you select movies and documentaries which have revolve around lawyers and the law. They’ll stay with you, inspire you; till CLAT and beyond. Love the law!
Faster Evolution
Speed Reading
Let’s say that the CLAT exam has 10,000 words. With an average reading speed of 250 words/minute, a reader will take 40 minutes to merely go through the CLAT questions and answer options!
A basic speed reading course gets your reading speed up to 750 words/minute. You can now read the same CLAT exam in 12.5 minutes. This advantage of 25-30 minutes is so huge that people would be willing to trade an arm or a leg of theirs to get that.
Memory techniques
CLAT can be unpredictable. Some portions in CLAT might require memorization.
Ah! We hear loud protests (with accompanying banners): “Cramming is no education”! True.
However, a good memory is a huge asset anywhere in life. A CLAT aspirant with a good, bulletproof memory will surely do well. And you’ll be glad to know dear campaigners (you’ve still got the banners, right?) that the best senior counsels in the SC have one thing in common: their elephantine memory.
We teach you techniques, easily learned with practice and commonly used by memory champions, which make you the elephant! That really is evolution turned backward, but hope you got the point!
Business Documents
Who should teach you to paint? A businessman or a painter? We’ll bet on the painter.
Who should teach you to write? A businessman or a writer? We’ll bet on the writer.
And who should teach a law aspirant? A businessman or a lawyer? We’ll bet on the lawyer.
Been there, done that.
You’ve been at war. You know the trenches. The mines. The bunkers. The enemy.

You know the bullets. And the machete. Because you’ve been at the war.
And you know how to avoid the trenches and use the bunker. How to use the machete and avoid a mine.
Been there, done that.
That was why CLATapult came into being.
We were saddened by the mushrooming of law coaching business. Every Tom, Dick, Harry and Rabbit came up with a CLAT coaching business. The existing CAT coaching institutions added a legal reasoning module to their existing study material and the CAT became CLAT.
For such coaching institutions L was just another alphabet. L was just a few more coins in their already bludgeoning purses.
For us, L holds a special meaning. L is our life, it’s our livelihood. L stands for law, for a powerful career option. With these ideals, CLATapult came into being.
Law coaching by law students. Not by businessmen. All our Clatapult centers follow the same rule. So if you’re from Kolkata and want to join Clatapult in Kolkata be assured that you will gather the best knowledge from the best law students from all across the country.
For now, we can tell you the story of how our faculties were recruited.
Since we are from NUJS, we called for applications from the student fraternity of NUJS. 100 students applied. We gave them a tough, written test. Bloody tough; tougher than hell. If you aren’t knowledgeable enough, you aren’t fit to teach. We short-listed around 30 students.
These students then had to give a demo class. A 20 minute demo class. A 20 minute class where we checked whether the candidate could teach. A 20 minute audition sort of an exercise. If you aren’t exceptional, you are gone.
Is the candidate a top-notch communicator? Could she make the class sit up and take notice. How did she handle the questions, the bloody tough ones. Did she sometimes sound confusing?
We finally selected 8 teachers. And the feedback we’ve received from students coming to the CLATapult centers has been phenomenal.
Our study materials too have undergone a rigorous process: they’ve been made with a poet-like flourish and flair. And they have been subjected to a physicist like scrutiny. Around 60 students across the batches from our University worked on the modules under our supervision. We are sure you are going to find them amazingly helpful.