CLAT 2017 is round the corner and we expect you to be hale and hearty vis-a-vis your preparation for the paper to be held on the 14th of May.
The unpredictability of the paper, especially after the 2015 one, has invoked several apprehensions. What will be the exact pattern of the paper? What if the General Knowledge section turns out to be tougher than expected?
What if the Legal Reasoning questions turn out to be completely different from what you know or have practiced round the year?
The descent of the cut-off for NUJS from 146 in 2014 to around 105 in 2015 and, again, back to 148 in 2016 leave many such questions unanswered.
The problem is magnified by the fact that there is no centralised body to conduct CLAT and the baton to conduct the exam is passed on to a new University each year, which clearly lack the expertise, of course due to the lack of their experience.
In such a crucial and formidable situation, all you have in control is to try to be as safe as possible. How does one ensure one’s own safety?
Solve all the past years’ papers. See for yourself how different these papers have been, from year to year.
Focus specifically on the 13,14, 15 and 16 papers. See the difference between 14, 15 and 16 and discover the inconsistency in the approach of the drafters of the papers.
Try understanding how their minds work and think of the most probable approach they will follow this year.
Before dealing with the past years’ papers, you must be acquainted with all five subjects. Conceptual clarity is indispensable, without which there in no chance of progress.
Practice sincerely from the study materials that you have subscribed. Try grasping the meanings of the concepts and understand why they exist, especially in case of Legal Reasoning.
Read the articles and practice questions from the CLATapult website to further hone your knowledge and understanding of the subject.
Read a good newspaper everyday, preferably the Hindu. Subscribe a good magazine to work further on your Current Affairs.
Lay your hands on a good book on Static General Knowledge. Focus more upon Legal General Knowledge. There are sections of Legal GK in various books. CLAT being a law entrance exam, chances are high that you will face a blitzkrieg of Legal GK questions, both current legal news as well as from the past.
Work on Mathematics. It is the most under-rated section in CLAT. It is easy and you all have dealt with it before, in your 9th and 10th.
Dealt wisely, this section has the potential of fetching you a clean 20 on 20, helping you to glide smoothly to the law school of your dreams.
Finish the 13 chapters from your Mathematics study materials and find a good book to refer to, for further practice. There are plenty of good Mathematics books available. Consult your guide and go for one.
Third and the most important part of your preparation is taking the mocks.
There is no way you are completely prepared for CLAT without taking the mocks. Attending the classes and getting taught by the best of teachers, solving the work-sheets, solving past years’ papers are simply the preliminary steps of your preparation.
Sitting for the mocks is a different ball-game altogether. It is the mocks that show how well prepared you are.
You will be jilted, of course, initially, stumbling here and there with your silly and grave mistakes. But rather than getting disappointed, you must see these as the foundation, the stepping stones to becoming the ace. You need to treat each mock as if you are taking CLAT.

With each passing mock, you will discover one short-coming or the other that you would need to work upon and rectify. You will need to spend the majority of time evaluating your performance in each mock, finding your weaknesses and strengths.
And most importantly, you will need to manage your time well and improve with each mock.
The only way to do so is to divide those 120 minutes amongst the five subjects as per your own strength and weaknesses and stick to that throughout, improving yourself with each mock.
There is no hard and fast rule to be followed in attempting the mocks though, and each one of you can devise your own methods as per your convenience and strengths.
Take as many mocks as possible. This is the one and the only way to get yourself closest to acing the exam.
We here in CLATapult conduct 30 mocks. All our mocks have been drafted only by those who themselves have been there and done that, people who have gotten ranks within top 200 in CLAT. Each mock is drafted by taking into account the above-mentioned factors, with varying questions and difficulty levels.
The write-ups on our website have been drafted, again, by a team of students who have featured within top 200 in CLAT.
So are our Study Materials, work-sheets, etc.
Check the details of our Test-Series and Correspondence Courses under the Courses’ Section above.
You can read more about English HERE
You can read more about Logical Reasoning HERE
You can read more of Current Affairs HERE
You can read more of Legal Reasoning HERE.
You can read more of General Knowledge HERE
1 thought on “<b>CLAT 2017</b>: A note from Team CLATapult”
I want to take admission in BBA.LLB. or BCOM.LLB. as i am from Commerce background and want to excel in the field of management and accounts with the knowledge of law. Could you please tell me the colleges and law schools in India that offer these courses and how to get admission there.